IMPORTANT! I will not be able to meet the demand of producing a page a week. Instead I will posting a page every two weeks. This will only be temporary, and hopefully I will be back to a normal posting schedule soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have decided to put a halt on releasing pages for VTRB. This does not mean I have totally abandoned the comic, but instead will be transferring it to be a pitch for a graphic novel. 

The attempt to create it as a web comic has been valuable and educational though. I have more respect for people who create web comics and would like to share what I have learned.

  • Be consistant. Try not to miss a week like I did or you will quickly lose your audience. To prevent this from happening brings about point two.
  • Create a back log of work. As artists life can get in the way and there may come a time that you can't finish the strip or page for that week. That is why it is crucial to have at least three  months work  ( I know some that have gone up to a year) saved up so you can miss a week of work but still be able to post something.
  • Know where you're going. Plan where the story is going in the comic. That is if your creating a story with arcs. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
  • Research and sketching. This is very important, especially if you're attempting a big adventure story like I am. The more you know about the world, how it functions, and what it looks like the easier it will be. 
VTRB is not going away, its just moving to a new format. I feel like the comic will do better as a graphic novel. Once I have the pitch complete I will begin posting pages again. So be on the look out for more adventures with the crew on Camilla's Revenge!

6/30/11- GONE FISHING! And, I'm serious this time! Going to my wife's family farm to get some bass! That means this weeks VTRB #10 will be posted next Wednesday. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

6/8/11 - 007 is now live. You might have noticed that the font has change. It will temporarily stay like this until either (1) I create my own font (preffered) or (2) wait till I have access to my schools fonts.

6/1/11 - GONE FISHING! Well not really, but sorry I don't have a new page for VTRB this week. A new page will be posted next week and hopefully now that school is out I can start working on a back log along with finishing some pages for SLG Publishing. This weekend though I will be in Charlotte, NC for HEROESCON. So, if your in the area stop on by and say hello, and check out original pages thus far for VTRB and other project I am working on!  I will be at booth AA - 324!

5/23/11 - Added a Links widget on the side bar so you can check out some other awesome Webcomics! Also made the older and newer post buttons the images of swords, HUZZAH!

5/16/11 - Updated the Cast page with full body shots and will be further editing and updating the text.